среда, 31 октября 2012 г.


Ernesto neto is considered one of the absolute leaders of brazil’s contemporary art scene.
his inspiration comes partly from brazilian neo-concretism. at the end of the 1950s and
beginning of the 60s the movement’s best-known proponents, lygia clarc and hélio oiticica,
rejected modernism’s ideas of autonomous geometric abstraction. instead, they wanted to equate art with living organisms in a kind of organic architecture, and invite the viewer to be
an active participant. ernesto neto works with abstract installations
which often take up the entire exhibition space. his materials are gossamer-thin, light,
stretchable fabrics in nylon or cotton. like fine membranes fixed to the ceiling by long,
stretched threads his works hang down into the room and create shapes that are almost
organic. sometimes they are filled with scented spices and hang in tear-shaped forms like
gigantic mushrooms or huge stockings, sometimes he creates peculiar soft sculptures
which the visitor is allowed to feel through small openings in the surface. he also creates
spatial labyrinths which the visitor can enter and thereby experience the work and interact
with it. neto’s art is an experience which creates associations with the body and with something organic. he describes his works as an exploration and a representation of the body’s landscape from within. it is important to neto that the viewer should actively interact with and physically experience his work by feeling, smelling, and touching it.

for malmö konsthall neto will create a completely new work which he is calling
'the malmö experience'. the exhibition in malmö will provide an overview and synopsis
of neto’s previous works and contain a number of important works which will be presented in
a new way. in a huge 'organic labyrinth' of fabrics and shapes, which takes up the entire
exhibition space, the visitor can experience the work from both inside and outside.
the exhibition is based on the colours of the rainbow and the body labyrinth/organism
consists of a number of smaller spaces which together constitute the whole.

воскресенье, 28 октября 2012 г.

FRANK LLOYD WRIGHT massaro house

Looking down at the Massaro House cantilevering over Lake Mahopac from its Petra Island perch is like observing an elegant water bird that’s comfortably earthbound but prepared to soar in an instant. It’s the kind of organic design that could only have sprung from one mind. Nearly 60 years after legendary American architect Frank Lloyd Wright created the home’s original sketches, Putnam County, N.Y. resident Joseph Massaro has allowed that vision to take flight.
In 2000, Massaro sold his successful heating/air-conditioning business and needed “a project” to engage his Type A personality. His thoughts turned to Wright’s plans for the larger house. “I wasn’t a Wright fan before, but the more I lived in the cottage on weekends, the more things I noticed – the spans on the roof, the way every inch of the place was used,” Massaro says. “He was a genius.”
After negotiations over the plans with the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation failed to reach fruition, Massaro hired eminent Wright scholar and architect Thomas A. Heinz to oversee the four-year construction. “It’s 5,000 square feet, one level; it’s all open architecture, and it’s just so comfortable,” he marvels. “It’s all African mahogany, the floors are red concrete, the furniture was designed by Wright – it has all built-in furniture. Each room is unique. I was concerned the three back bedrooms were going to be small, but I left it the way it was intended and they’re just so perfect.”
Wright himself called the master bedroom’s design “an island within the island” because it’s completely removed from the other bedrooms and juts over the water. Like Wright’s greatest works, the house not only complements the landscape, it melds with it. The rock incorporated in the design came from Petra Island and winds from the terrace through a dining room wall, into one of the three bathrooms as part of the shower and ends in one of the back bedrooms. A soaring entryway capped with 26 skylights illuminates the natural beauty. It’s the kind of house that requires seeing to believe

We built this house exactly to Wright’s specifications,” Massaro says. “It’s located on the exact spot that he picked.” The Massaro House, as it’s known, also has six working fireplaces and the full range of modern conveniences from radiant heat in the floors to security cameras. A non-Wright house on the island was converted to an artist’s studio and workshop. There’s even an FAA-approved helipad. “You can be on your own island in 15 minutes from New York City and have complete privacy,” Massaro says. “It’s really a full compound out here.”
Scholarly debate has raged over whether the house is truly Wright, but Massaro has no doubts. “Walter Cronkite came out to see this island about a year before he passed away. The house was under construction and he knew Frank Lloyd Wright personally,” Massaro says. “He walked in and turned to me and said, ‘I feel Frank in this house.’ “
Would Massaro ever part with his Petra Island masterpiece? “If the right person came along,” he says. “I put my heart and soul into this, but I’m spending more time in Florida now. I’m thinking of building a Frank Lloyd Wright house that he designed for the ocean.”
Because after you’ve lived under a Wright roof, anything else would just feel wrong.