вторник, 13 марта 2012 г.

Cluster Complex Dubai by Denton Corker Marshall

Rising impressively from a podium, the Office Tower is the complex’s core element. Comprised of four shafts, each is a series of individual office buildings clustered vertically along a dramatic 255m atrium.
The clusters are divided into typical 11-level modules by four sky lobbies regularly punctuating each shaft. The larger clusters are broken down to smaller 5- and 6-level blocks, creating two cluster sizes of 10,000m2 and 5,000m2. The shafts connect to form two offices per floor plate, with a typical range of 1,800-2,200m2.
Below the imposing Office Tower sit smaller blocks of Hotel and Apartment towers. Residents – globally mobile and largely expatriate creative knowledge workers – are close to work and recreation, with easy transition from one to the other, and back again.
In Dubai’s extreme and challenging climate buildings are commonly designed to exclude the harsh elements, eliminating any connection between buildings and their surrounds. The structures of the Cluster Complex look outward as well as inward, and are fully merged with generous landscaping which integrates the building program, public spaces, common areas and circulation patterns.
A continuous mesh canopy envelopes the podium, and grounds the towers in a tapestry of green. A sculptural form evoking a sand dune or tent, the canopy’s variable profile creates a wide variety of spaces beneath it. The perforated metal, as both podium screen and building façade, performs well in the harsh environment, setting it apart from other high rise projects in Dubai.
The vitality and spontaneity of Middle Eastern culture are captured in the rich program of spaces and buildings. Like a bazaar, intense narrow streets of activity are punctuated with courtyards and frequent glimpses of the lush green zones for relaxation and reflection. The effect is very different from the over-conditioned and over-lit enclosed experience of a typical mall.
Public space is fundamental to the concept, from the integration of landscape through to the use of atria and multi-level lobbies encouraging vital horizontal connections. These interstitial spaces extend through the entire complex, promoting discourse and interaction – the social vitality to turn it from a project into a community.
The podium’s fourth level is a lively street scene – a teeming blend of cafes, bistros, performance spaces, art galleries and retail outlets connecting the main Hotel and Apartment foyers with the Office Tower, conference and leisure facilities.
This building reminds me of some kind of puzzle. I am developing the idea of puzzle now, so it's structure inspires me and open my eyes to many more ways of presenting the puzzle idea in my project.

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