понедельник, 5 марта 2012 г.

James Turrell

James Turrell (born May 6, 1943) is an American artist primarily concerned with light and space.
Turrell’s work involves explorations in light and space that speak to viewers without words, impacting the eye, body, and mind with the force of a spiritual awakening. “I want to create an atmosphere that can be consciously plumbed with seeing,” says the artist, “like the wordless thought that comes from looking in a fire.” Informed by his studies in perceptual psychology and optical illusions, Turrell’s work allows us to see ourselves “seeing.” Whether harnessing the light at sunset or transforming the glow of a television set into a fluctuating portal, Turrell’s art places viewers in a realm of pure experience. The light in his installation has no shadows or outlines ( an extremely hard to create effect ) so, the space does not look like 3 demential anymore, you think that this is a picture on the wall, but you r wrong, this is a space, that you can step into. His works are very hard to show in a photo, in order to understand it, you have to experience it, to be inside of his installations, or at least see the video, otherwise, you have no chance to understand the beauty and idea of the project. Here is the video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QWekIcZaKns. 

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